Originally I was going to do an physical drawing machine clock as my final. I got as far as a basic prototype, but my plans were waylaid when I got sick the last week and could not go into school to complete it. Since I could still work on software from home, I decided to expand on my midterm Playlist Timer project as my final, instead.
The midterm version let you choose a genre and a time, then generated a playlist around that time based on Spotify’s search in that genre
I started with a list of features I wanted to add or change. These roughly went in two categories; interface (interaction with the website flow) and functionality (adding/changing capablities)
I decided to start with actually making the playlist, as that’s the biggest functionality change. After that, I made my changes to the algorithm and switched to using recommendations. I didn’t end up having time (hah) to do the rest of the improvements I outlined, but I’d still like to add them at some point.