I chose to try to make my fading Ghost Display, as that seemed like a doable entry point. I worked in Javascript, because that’s the language I’m most familiar with.
The current version is live here: https://apalocz.github.io/projects/timekeepers/ghost_display/
I chose to have twelve “ghost layers”; it felt right, for the twelve hours on the clock. My first attempt printed out the whole time string whenever it changed; this got the seconds changing, but didn’t have the ghosting effect I wanted for the hours or minutes.
Screen Recording 2023-10-10 at 9.08.39 AM.mov
I reworked the implementation to extend that logic to each part of the display individually; hours, minutes, and seconds.
Originally, I was displaying all of these just as they changed, but this led to the hours and minutes being empty at first, once everything was separate. I added logic to retroactively populate each of my ghost layers with the time they would have been if the script had been running when they last would have changed. This finally gave me the effect that I was looking for.
Screen Recording 2023-10-10 at 10.03.05 AM.mov
Here is my code; it’s probably not the most efficient way to do this, but it seemed to work
.ghostLayer {
position: absolute;
top: 50%;
left: 50%;
transform:translate(-50%, -50%);
font-size: 80pt;
.ghostLayer div{
display: inline;
<div class="ghostLayer">
<div id="hourGhostLayer0"/>:<div id="minuteGhostLayer0"/>:<div id="secondGhostLayer0"/>
<div class="ghostLayer">
<div id="hourGhostLayer1"/>:<div id="minuteGhostLayer1"/>:<div id="secondGhostLayer1"/>
<div class="ghostLayer">
<div id="hourGhostLayer2"/>:<div id="minuteGhostLayer2"/>:<div id="secondGhostLayer2"/>
<div class="ghostLayer">
<div id="hourGhostLayer3"/>:<div id="minuteGhostLayer3"/>:<div id="secondGhostLayer3"/>
<div class="ghostLayer">
<div id="hourGhostLayer4"/>:<div id="minuteGhostLayer4"/>:<div id="secondGhostLayer4"/>
<div class="ghostLayer">
<div id="hourGhostLayer5"/>:<div id="minuteGhostLayer5"/>:<div id="secondGhostLayer5"/>
<div class="ghostLayer">
<div id="hourGhostLayer6"/>:<div id="minuteGhostLayer6"/>:<div id="secondGhostLayer6"/>
<div class="ghostLayer">
<div id="hourGhostLayer7"/>:<div id="minuteGhostLayer7"/>:<div id="secondGhostLayer7"/>
<div class="ghostLayer">
<div id="hourGhostLayer8"/>:<div id="minuteGhostLayer8"/>:<div id="secondGhostLayer8"/>
<div class="ghostLayer">
<div id="hourGhostLayer9"/>:<div id="minuteGhostLayer9"/>:<div id="secondGhostLayer9"/>
<div class="ghostLayer">
<div id="hourGhostLayer10"/>:<div id="minuteGhostLayer10"/>:<div id="secondGhostLayer10"/>
<div class="ghostLayer">
<div id="hourGhostLayer11"/>:<div id="minuteGhostLayer11"/>:<div id="secondGhostLayer11"/>
// constants
const MINUTES_PER_HOUR = 60;
// fade time in milliseconds
const layerFadeTime = 12;
const secondLayerFadeTime = layerFadeTime * MILLISECONDS_PER_SECOND;
const minuteLayerFadeTime = secondLayerFadeTime * SECONDS_PER_MINUTE;
const hourLayerFadeTime = minuteLayerFadeTime * MINUTES_PER_HOUR;
const numLayers = 12;
const secondGhostLayers: any[] = [];
const hourGhostLayers: any[] = [];
const minuteGhostLayers: any[] = [];
let nextSecondLayerIndex = 0;
let nextMinuteLayerIndex = 0;
let nextHourLayerIndex = 0;
let currentTime = new Date();
let currentTimeString = currentTime.toTimeString();
let currentHourString = currentTimeString.substring(0, 2);
let currentMinuteString = currentTimeString.substring(3, 5);
let currentSecondString = currentTimeString.substring(6, 8);
for(let i = 0; i < numLayers; i += 1) {
const newSecondLayer = {
element: document.getElementById(`secondGhostLayer${i}`),
lastFlashed: new Date(currentTime.getTime() - (numLayers - i - 1) * MILLISECONDS_PER_SECOND)
if(newSecondLayer.element) {
newSecondLayer.element.innerHTML=newSecondLayer.lastFlashed.toTimeString().substring(6, 8);
const newMinuteLayer = {
element: document.getElementById(`minuteGhostLayer${i}`),
lastFlashed: new Date(currentTime.getTime() - (numLayers - i - 1) *
if(newMinuteLayer.element) {
newMinuteLayer.element.innerHTML=newMinuteLayer.lastFlashed.toTimeString().substring(3, 5);
const newHourLayer = {
element: document.getElementById(`hourGhostLayer${i}`),
lastFlashed: new Date(currentTime.getTime() - (numLayers - i - 1) *
if(newHourLayer.element) {
newHourLayer.element.innerHTML=newHourLayer.lastFlashed.toTimeString().substring(0, 2);
function set_opacity(fadeTime, newTime, ghostLayer) {
const timeSinceFlash = newTime.getTime() - ghostLayer.lastFlashed.getTime();
let fadeProgress = 1;
// if we're still in the flash/fade window, find the right animation progress
if(timeSinceFlash < fadeTime) {
fadeProgress = timeSinceFlash / fadeTime
const inverseFadeProgress = 1 - fadeProgress;
ghostLayer.element.style["opacity"] = inverseFadeProgress * inverseFadeProgress *
inverseFadeProgress * inverseFadeProgress;
// animate the ghost display
function update_ghost_display() {
const newTime = new Date();
const newTimeString = newTime.toTimeString();
let newHourString = newTimeString.substring(0, 2);
let newMinuteString = newTimeString.substring(3, 5);
let newSecondString = newTimeString.substring(6, 8);
//has the time string changed? Time to write to a new layer!
if(newHourString !== currentHourString) {
hourGhostLayers[nextHourLayerIndex].lastFlashed = newTime;
hourGhostLayers[nextHourLayerIndex].element.innerHTML = newHourString;
nextHourLayerIndex = (nextHourLayerIndex + 1) % hourGhostLayers.length;
currentHourString = newHourString;
if(newMinuteString !== currentMinuteString) {
minuteGhostLayers[nextMinuteLayerIndex].lastFlashed = newTime;
minuteGhostLayers[nextMinuteLayerIndex].element.innerHTML = newMinuteString;
nextMinuteLayerIndex = (nextMinuteLayerIndex + 1) % minuteGhostLayers.length;
currentMinuteString = newMinuteString;
if(newSecondString !== currentSecondString) {
secondGhostLayers[nextSecondLayerIndex].lastFlashed = newTime;
secondGhostLayers[nextSecondLayerIndex].element.innerHTML = newSecondString;
nextSecondLayerIndex = (nextSecondLayerIndex + 1) % secondGhostLayers.length;
currentSecondString = newSecondString;
// fade every layer based on how long it's been since it last updated
for(let i = 0; i < secondGhostLayers.length; i += 1) {
set_opacity(secondLayerFadeTime, newTime, secondGhostLayers[i]);
for(let i = 0; i < minuteGhostLayers.length; i += 1) {
set_opacity(minuteLayerFadeTime, newTime, minuteGhostLayers[i]);
for(let i = 0; i < hourGhostLayers.length; i += 1) {
set_opacity(hourLayerFadeTime, newTime, hourGhostLayers[i]);